Final Post For The EdTech Course

In a few weeks, the fall semester is going to end. Thus, in this post, I'm going to write my opinions about our Educational Technologies course.

Generally, I liked that course because I learned some interesting things such as the framework for 21st-century learning, Padlet, etc. Also, I learned the importance of TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge). In other words, for a teacher, the important thing is not knowing how to use technology, the important thing is knowing how to use technology pedagogically.

Our teacher demonstrated many tools in the course but she didn't teach how to use them. At least she should show their advantages and disadvantages precisely, and she could recommend some sources to learn how to use those tools.

In that course, what I liked most was learning new tools and websites. On the other hand, choosing the right tools and learning how to use them to complete the homework tasks was difficult.

Thank you for reading. Goodbye! :)


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